Spiritual Alignment Articles

Shifting an Outdated Relationship Paradigm

Shifting an Outdated Relationship Paradigm

  When we’re engaging in a relationship paradigm that is not in service of our well-being, sense of safety, it’s time to find a new paradigm. Relationshpis are intended to be a resource, not a drain. The reason people stay are two-fold:  We are unconsciously...

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The Sacred Wisdom of the Subtle Senses

The Sacred Wisdom of the Subtle Senses

The Sacred Wisdom of Our Subtle Senses "Sensation is the expression of the boundless energy of life moving through us. When we brace against our sensations, unresolved experiences continue to live within us. To illustrate, consider a person who was punished in...

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Finding Energetic Resonance

Finding Energetic Resonance

Energetic resonance is the quality of sameness. When we have energetic resonance either within ourselves, within aspects of ourselves or between ourselves and another person, we begin to cultivate a sense of connection and safety within ourselves and in our...

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Trauma and Spiritual Alignment

Trauma and Spiritual Alignment

  The way that when we experience a trauma influences our ability to feel spiritually connected. When we feel split from our spiritual self during traumatic experiences, learning to find our way back home to the truth of who we are is an important part of deep...

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Stop Betraying Your Own Boundaries

Stop Betraying Your Own Boundaries

    In this video we are going to be diving into the topic of healthy boundaries. Boundaries are a point of contact in relationship. It's the place where relationship happens and there's so much confusion around the point of contact, the boundary point, and...

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Personality Disorders and Spiritual Alignment

Personality Disorders and Spiritual Alignment

In this video we are going to be talking about personality disorders through the lens of spiritual alignment in a spiritually aligned approach. We do not pathologize a client, we see them in their wholeness, and we emphasize process over pathology. And really, we're...

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The Energetic Expression of Codependency

The Energetic Expression of Codependency

In this video we are going to be talking about the energetic expression of codependency. You may not realize that your energetic boundaries actually hold the tone of your psychology and your behavior. And so, as you are transforming the ways in which you show up to...

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“No One Likes It When I Speak My Truth”

“No One Likes It When I Speak My Truth”

In this video we are going to be talking about communicating from the true self. I often hear people say, nobody likes it when I speak my truth, and we are going to be diving in to how to actually honor ourselves and honor the people in our life by giving voice to our...

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5 Signs You’re Healing

5 Signs You’re Healing

In this video we are going to be talking about 5 ways that you will see your healing work and your healing journey manifest in your relationships when we commence a healing journey, and we continue to repair our internal system, and grow an awareness and and choice,...

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