Books by Harmony

These books lay the groundwork for understanding the essence of spiritual alignment

Align is Now Available!


How to live from the Core of your Being


How to take your power back from your conditioned self


How to honor the wholeness of your being


How to take create quality contact with Self and Others


How to have transcendent sexual experiences


Companion Journal


If you’ve bought your copy of Align: Living and Loving from the True Self, I’ve created a companion journal to support you on your journey.

As a loving reminder, be kind with all aspects of yourself as you discover and experiences the layers of your conditioned self. This journey is to be cherished, as are you.

Love, Harmony

Reveal is Available on Amazon! 


Available on Amazon, Kindle, & Audible


How Harmony learned to live from her True Self


How you were shaped by early experiences


How to transform old patterns


How to speak your vulnerable truth


How to stand solid in your sovereignty


How to claim your power

Reveal Your True Self

Free Online Meditation Journey


A Message from Harmony

When I realized the claiming my intuitive knowing was inherently connected to calming my power, I made a commitment to myself to honor what I was seeing always. In my personal life, that was simple. However, in my work with clients I was more hesitant because I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t projecting onto them.

Eventually I realized that the only way to know if what I was seeing was intuition or projection was by checking it out with my client. Staying in relationship throughout every moment of a session makes it possible to honor my whole self, which ultimately honors my client’s whole self.

I believe that we all have access to intuitive wisdom and that we all have the ability to see subtle energy. It takes tremendous self-trust and trust in the relationship in order to presence this deeper, truer aspect of who we are as therapist or coach.

If you are ready to step more fully into your power and honor your intuitive wisdom, I would be honored to support you in becoming the healer you were born to be!

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