Working with Energetic Sabotage Patterns
Stand-Alone Mini-Course
When we honor subtle energy, we can go deeper into the transpersonal field with clients.
Ask yourself…
Do I want to learn how to see subtle energy?
Do I want disrupt my client’s sabotage patterns?
Do I want learn to use my subtle mind to support my clients in anchoring into their True Self?
Do I want to understand attachment cords and how to work with them?
Do I want to create deeper impact for my clients?
The difference between a good therapist or coach and an amazing one is their ability to see and utilize the subtle energy movements in a session.Learn how to access your clairsenses and elevate your work through the transpersonal.
With a combination of recorded webinars, guided practices, and handouts, you will learn the essence of being a trauma-informed spiritually aligned practitioner.
Anyone interested in this topic can take the course.
No Prerequisites
Go at your own pace
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