Spiritual Alignment Articles

Honoring Subtle Energy in Mental Health and Self-Care

Honoring Subtle Energy in Mental Health and Self-Care

in this video we are going to be talking about subtle energy, as it relates to our spiritual well-being. Subtle energy is the expression of our vitality, and it is often overlooked when talking about mental health or self-care. And so we're going to be diving into...

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The Spiritual Dimension of Attachment Wounds

The Spiritual Dimension of Attachment Wounds

In this video we're going to be talking about the spiritual nature of our attachment system. Attachment styles are the way that we learn to relate to the people in our lives, based on the way that our primary caregivers treated us early in life and when we understand...

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Embodiment is the Fullest Expression of Spirituality

Embodiment is the Fullest Expression of Spirituality

  In this video we're going to be talking about embodiment as the fullest expression of spiritual alignment. So often spirituality is thought of as a construct of being outside of oneself transcendent experience that happens in some other dimension, but through...

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The Overlap of Projections and Intuition

The Overlap of Projections and Intuition

In this video I'm going to be talking about projections and specifically about the way projections and intuition can overlap and cause us a lot of confusion both in our life and in our relationships. Before I dive into that, I want to let you know that I wrote a book...

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Getting Unstuck: How to Overcome Ego Traps

Getting Unstuck: How to Overcome Ego Traps

In this video I'm going to be talking about why we get stuck on the path of transformation and what to do when we find ourselves at a point of impasse, or in that stuckness? Before I do, I want to let you know that I wrote a book for you. A line living and loving from...

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Imposter Syndrome: The Neurobiology of Spiritual Alignment

Imposter Syndrome: The Neurobiology of Spiritual Alignment

In this video I'm going to offer you a new take on imposter syndrome through the lens of spiritual alignment. I define spiritual alignment as when our thoughts, our feelings, and our actions are congruent with the truth of who we are. And as it turns out, through the...

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Transforming Barriers to Love

Transforming Barriers to Love

Hello, and welcome! in this video, I'm going to share with you a very simple tip to not fall into the traps that your ego sets for you in terms of limitation, blame, and conflict, in life and relationships. Before I do that, I want to share with you that I wrote a...

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20 Connected Breaths: Breathing in the Breath of Life

20 Connected Breaths: Breathing in the Breath of Life

I want to offer you a really accessible reset for your energy body when you're feeling anxious, when you're feeling depressed, when you're feeling off balanced from the core of your being in any way.  This simple exercise will bring you back home to yourself in the...

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